How to start tasks for OTT monitoring
This video explains how to start tasks for OTT monitoring using Elecard Boro solution.
Elecard Boro is a software solution for UDP, RTP, HTTP, HLS and DASH streams quality control and measurement of QoS and QoE parameters in all segments of distributed networks.
In this video:
00:22 How to create OTT monitoring task
01:01 Two analysis modes for HLS: the Player mode and the All profiles mode
01:50 The option “Update MasterPlaylist”
02:08 The option “Analyze OTT QOS only”
02:20 Configuring OTT parameters via the Threshold profile
02:43 Some of OTT thresholds in detail
03:32 Setting up user value for UserAgent HTTP header
03:56 Starting a task
04:17 Describing some features of the Info dialog
05:19 Describing some features of a task page
06:15 Consumption of CPU resources