Elecard is now a member of the DASH Industry Forum
Elecard became a DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) member to collaborate on DASH usage.
In 2012 the industry leading streaming companies got together to establish an industry forum aimed at fostering the adoption of MPEG-DASH. Today, DASH is crucial for on-demand streaming and a fragmented technology market.
Since several years ago, Elecard has implemented and continuously improved support for DASH across its CodecWorks transcoding and streaming platforms, Boro video quality monitoring software, and StreamEye Studio analyzers.
“We eagerly anticipate staying updated on the latest advancements as DASH continues to evolve, and to keep on improving our MPEG-DASH feature set,” says Chief Business Development Officer Alexey Malikov. “Our high-performance software-defined solutions seamlessly scale to support hundreds of streams, simplifying OTT services deployment.”